Shop opening!
Whoop whoop! I can’t belive I’m really saying this: The shop is open! Yee-haw! This is truly amazing. Almost the whole last year I worked on building up an online shop to sell…
Zg, Zr and Kr – „The Modern One“
“Zg, Zr, Kr” – what a name for a painting! Well, its the abbreviations for the colours used. It is written in Kurrent (aka German cursive) and reads: Zg = Zitronengelb = Lemon…
Vermilion Red – Zinnoberrot
Vermilion red. To be honest I thought there were more beautiful reds out there. It appeared kind of shallow to me, lacking vibrancy and being a bit too orange. Yes, I know, it…
Ocean green – Ozeangrün
Ocean green – what comes to your mind when you hear that? To me it’s vastness and depth. Freedom maybe. And – of course – a good portion of mysteriousness! This piece is…
Violet – Violett
Such a beautiful colour! Again and again I am totally amazed by how divers this colour is and in how many shapes it shows up. Yes, this might be (and probably is) true…
Water lily – Seerose
The Water lily project … I can´t really tell where the idea came from. I guess it was lurking around since I copied the Grimms´s folk tale „The Nixie of the Mill-Pond“ in…
Morning – Morgen
Dawn. You´re out in the fields. You close your eyes. You hear some birds. You take a deep breath. The fresh and crisp air floods your lungs, fills you all up. You open…
Fun fair! – Jahrmarkt!
You can smell it from afar – the scent of candied almonds, cotton candy and popcorn is wafting through the streets and gets more intense with every step. Then: Flashing lights and music…