What are your plans for 2025?
2025 is here! How were those first days?
This usually is the time for resolutions and goal-setting.
Do you have any plans or resolutions for 2025?
While I don’t feel as energised as I usually do at the beginning of a new year I still feel the need to at least roughly figure out what is most important to me for the year ahead.
As 2025 will be pretty busy, it will be important to know what I want to focus on and to keep that focus.
Also I want to strengthen the connection with myself again as the busyness and unexpected changes of last year somewhat diluted this connection. This for sure will also help with keeping the focus.
So my resolutions for 2025 are focus and regular yoga classes! Announcing them publicly helps following through they say 😉 Let’s see!
And while I cheer you on in meeting your goals and hope to achieve mine as well let’s not forget to be kind and loving to ourselves if it does not always go as planned.
To a great year ahead! 🎉