My name is Annika and this place is all about going your own way. A topic that is very dear to my heart. Living a self-determined life is very important to me personally. And I am also interested in how other people live their lives. What is important to them? What drives them, what are their values?
Do you know about yours?
Such a personal question!
Inspiring and yet sometimes not easy to answer. It can be scary, overwhelming and intimidating. I know this by own experience.
Nevertheless I think it’s so worth it!
Dealing with those questions can help us finding out what we want in life. Feeling more satisfied. Creating a sense of meaningfulness.
This is what drives my art. I want my pieces to support you sticking to your goals. Encouraging you to find out what your dreams could look like. I imagine the pieces being companions on the journey of creating the life you want to live.
What an adventure!
Well, as this is the „About“-section what am I doing when not diving into the topic of dreams and goals and values? I like to stroll around outside especially in nature. Apart from that I like to read (historical novels, cozy crimes, comics, non-fiction) and getting enthusiastic about beautiful book covers (yes, I also do choose wine by label …). I love dystopian movies as well as Studio Ghibli (Totoro and Kiki!) and (almost) any kind of period movies. Personal evergreens are “Murder, She Wrote”, “Columbo” and “Avatar: The Last Airbender”.
What else? Oh yes, I’d love to run a tie shop! A really old-fashioned one with wood panels and stucco ceiling just like the gentlemen’s outfitter in „Kingsman“. I’d happily spend hours arranging the ties by colour! And the elevator to the secret headquarter is a nice gimmick as well 🙂
Enjoy these pages and feel free to leave a message, your questions or your thoughts! I’d love to hear from you: hello@annikaruhwedel.com!
Big cheers