Morning – Morgen
You´re out in the fields.
You close your eyes.
You hear some birds.
You take a deep breath.
The fresh and crisp air floods your lungs, fills you all up.
You open your eyes and there she is!
The rising sun, huge, vibrant, illuminating the morning sky and the fields.
You´re caught in the moment, still.
You breathe out, happy, calm and powerful.
What a morning!
This is what this picture means to me. I love the morning, my favourite time of the day. When it´s all quiet, before the rush starts. To keep transparency and stay true here I won´t deny that I am definitely not the type of person who jumps out of bed happily at 5 am. I wish I was but I´m not. I snooze a lot and I need loooong until I finally get up and feel like a human being. It got much better since I got one of those alarm clocks mimicking sunrise and bird sound. But yeah, once this work of getting up is done I really love mornings. It´s the time I´ve got the most energy and feel mentally fresh.
Funnily enough the idea to that piece struck me in the evening just before turning off the light. Sunrise at the fields, all black and white. While creating I was thinking about changing colours as the scenery almost requires oranges and yellows and light blues. But black and white just felt so right here, I don´t even know why. Plain and clear so you can imagine the scenery with your favourite colours!
If you are curious check out the fine art print of „Morning – Morgen“ in the shop!
Have a great day!